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Commercial/Kit-Bash/Scratch-Build, Non-Studio-Scale

Museum Project!

This project started in 2020...  a Cross-Section Star Destroyer, based on a picture in the Star Wars Incredible Cross Sections book.  At the core is a Zvezda/Revell (1-2700) Kit, which is about two feet long at half-SS.  It is on display for a summer museum run at the New Albany (IN) Cultural Arts Center, as part of the "Star Wars Meets Indiana Jones - the Hero's Journey of Dr. David West Reynolds" (a former Lucasfilm alum) exhibition. So honored to be a part of this!

Status:  Completed

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SS Cloud Car

Henning, Studio-Scale

Old School / New School Resin Beauty!

This was a well-engineered Studio-Scale resin version of the Bespin Cloud Car from ESB.  Mastered and casted in the old-school way by one of the greats!   Very little cleanup of the castings.  Painted with the matched acrylics from Archive-X, and was a perfect project to try them out.  Lots of taping and misting the many layers of oranges and then subtle weathering!  Was fun to use stark, rich colors versus the grays/whites of Star Wars ships...

Status:  Completed 2022!

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Masterpiece Models, Studio-Scale

Scratch-built Mountain, Studio-Scale

First to Climb THIS Studio-Scale Diorama Mountain!

When I saw a version of the Studio-Scale Hoth Ion Cannon come out as a base kit, my mind started churning... it was screaming for a diorama.  Only a handful of reference exists, and I went for the money shot from the brief seconds on film in ESB.  I also appreciated the freeform allowed on the exposed front cannon strip.  The ball is left loose, if ambition allows for a v2 that actually fires.  Displayed the 90% done version at Wonderfest 2022.

Status:  Completed 2022!

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HAL 9000

Moebius, Studio-Scale

Still a Classic...

Nice rendition of a HAL 9000 terminal from 2001: A Space Odyssey.  Simple one-LED lighting really adds to the effect.

Status:  Completed 2021!

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ROJ Speeder Bike

Korbanth, Half-Studio-Scale

Prototype of Future Kit

This was a kit prototype (in true half-scale, around 5.5') of a Speeder Bike, from Return of the Jedi.  Had to reassemble the whole thing, as well as rebuild the front steering vane from shipping damage.  It had been taken back apart for shipping, so expected at least some issues.  Had a perfect shelf spot where I added a forest photography background and a fake tree around a drainpipe.

Status:  Completed 2020!

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ANH Death Star Tower

Private, Studio-Scale

Patterned from a REAL 1976 Tower

This was a foot-high Death Star Tower with lineage to a real-one used in ANH from 1976.  3D-Printed laser cannons were added to complete this little beauty.

Status:  Completed 2020!


Robi the Robot

DeAgostini, [about 14"]

Bench-Clearing Project

Built from a high-end kit from Modelspace / DeAgostini.  This came out in 2014, I bought it in 2017 (for half-price), and built it in 2019.  Does 250-ish voice-controlled and motion-controlled commands.  Pretty cool, for it's day, and still pretty cool for today.  Lots of servos, tiny wire runs, and testing.  Some of the initial testing videos are loaded.

Status:  Completed 2019!


ANH Escape Pod

Nice-N, Studio-Scale

Bench-Clearing Project

This had many stops and starts over the years, including the pana-vise letting loose right before final weathering and knocking all of the engines (etc.) off the back.  Added some replacement vintage kit parts, including copies of the rare (and intricate) SeaLab III hoses that were not originally included.

Status:  Completed 2019!

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ESB ISD Bridge

Korbanth, Studio-Scale-Plus (ish).

Bench-Clearing Project

This was sitting on and off the bench for the past two years... probably closer to an ESB-ish Star Destroyer, but a cool (and big) artist's interpretation.  Some fun "fit-ment" on this one, but got past most of that.  There is also a matching Millennium Falcon attached to the back of the bridge, just like on the ISD Avenger in ESB...

Status:  Completed 2019!

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