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... and Lots of Resin


These are rare kits that I missed out on the original releases, an am still looking for... in kit form or built... send me your offer/trade info.


Note:  Pictures were scavenged from the internet... Apologies if I have used your picture and or let me know if any should be replaced... Thx!

a[OOP] JMJ - TIE Bomber1 (1-35) 02.jpg

JMJ TIE Bomber (2004)

JMJ, Studio-Scale-ish (1-51)

This was a nice release of the TIE Bomber by JMJ.  Have seen in private collections, but have not seen one come up on Auction sites ever, nor on Forum sites in a long time.

a[OOP] SMT (Wong 1998) - Y-Wing v1 (1-48).JPG

SMT Y-Wing (1998)

SMT, Non-Studio-Scale (1-48)

This was the first release of a 1-48 Y-Wing by SMT, with the Red-stripe box art.  Only saw one on the Bay a long-time ago, which was won by someone with a very large "nuclear-bid".

a[OOP] SergeantAtArms (John Larson 2008) - YWing (1-48) 03.jpg

S-A-A Y-Wing (2000)

Larson, Non-Studio-Scale (1-48)

This was a rare/limited release of the Larson / Sergeant-At-Arms Y-Wing.  Have seen in private collections, but have not seen one come up on Auction sites ever, nor on Forum sites in a long time.

Cardboard Box

DS1 Turret (200x?)

Resin D'Etre, Non-Studio-Scale (1-170)

This was an very rare kit of a miniature Death Star Turret.  The top was designed to rotate (on a pin).  They were supposedly going to do the larger/full base, with several X-Wings, but I do not believe those were ever released.  Have only seen one mention or build-up of this, on star wars models.

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